Program Pillars

Promotion and Defence of Christian Faith
Social-Economic Empowerment

Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches aspires to be a promoter and defender of the Christian faith through building sustainable ministries and serving and transforming our society and the world.

KNCPC has a long-term perspective of people-driven empowerment programs and holds that social-economic developments make the Church stronger and more effective.

man in green and white long sleeve shirt
man in green and white long sleeve shirt

Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches aspires to be a voice of Pentecostal Christians by

  1. Supporting on its own motion or jointly with like-hearted Christian umbrella bodies and stakeholder groups, bills and laws that protect the Bill of Rights; freedom of worship and basic tenets of the Christian faith

  1. Opposing overt and covert measures and pressures limiting the growth of the Christian faith in Kenya.

  2. KNCPC will diplomatically engage the government of the day through constructive engagement and exerting its voice where necessary to achieve its objectives and partnership in civic education, policy formulation and public participation.

Voice of the Church

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