Get to Know Congress

The Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches (KNCPC) is a Christian faith-based organization that was started by a team of clergy under the leadership of Bishop Stanley Michuki in 2012. It was then registered under the Societies Act by the Attorney General's Office, Nairobi, Kenya, registration No. 36745 on 27th February 2012. The organization was then launched on the 23rd of May 2012. KNCPC has its head office at Hope Restoration Centre, Kasarani, Nairobi.

Our mission

KNCPC's mission is to promote a biblical platform for empowerment, accountability and networking.

Our vision

KNCPC long-term vision is to establish a united, credible, transformative, and prophetic voice to the nation of Kenya and beyond.

Core Values

The Congress's values in realizing its vision and mission include:

1. Integrity (truthful, accountable) in all Congress undertakings, it will uphold and observe accuracy, professional ethics, honesty, social responsibility and human respect

2. Good governance (equality, dignity) in making decisions and implementing all activities, Congress management will observe openness, teamwork, participation, liableness and answerability

3. Innovation (creativity) in fulfilling its activities relating to its core functions, Congress will embrace creativity and newness.

4. Teamwork (interactivity): Embrace a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach in accordance with biblical principles.

5. Stewardship: (servanthood)

Main Goal

To be the voice of the voiceless and to promote Unity in the body of Christ.

KNCPC Objectives and Functions

I. To establish a conglomeration of Pentecostal Christian believers subscribing to the teaching of the word of God, the Bible.

ii. To facilitate a conducive environment for the clergy to understand and appreciate the dynamics, mechanics and fundamental elements that are hurting the true Christian Gospel today.

iii. To establish county Congress forums all over Kenya.

iv. To train, ordain and commission ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and commission them to go out and spread the same gospel to all the people of the whole world as instructed in Acts 1:8, starting with Kenya.

v. To lobby and advocate for a Godly nation that honours God and obeys His laws-(Isaiah 33:22).

vi. To dismantle the works of the devil in Kenya, which may manifest in the form of witchcraft, spiritism, idolatry, backward cultures, traditions and norms that keep people in bondage and darkness.

vii. To shine the light of Christ in the once so-called “dark continent ”(Africa) and elsewhere.

viii. To form leadership segments from the grassroots to the apex, from the sublocation, ward, district, county, region and country.

ix. To acquire, own, and manage the moveable and immoveable property. Engage in income-generating projects to aid the realization of ongoing programs and other objectives.

x. To establish and run social centres such as care centres, schools, colleges,universities, health facilities and other social institutions for the physical and spiritual benefit of the individual Christian and the community.

xi. To push, print and distribute printed materials such as newspapers, magazines, books, and newsletters. To own radio and television stations for disseminating religious, educational, entertainment and sports news and information to benefit individual Christians and the body of Christ.

xii. To appeal for, generate and accept funds (in cash or kind) from members, friends, donors, partners and supporters for the furtherance of Congress programmes, activities and all such other purposes as defined by these objectives.

xiii. To pay for the services provided to the Congress by either employees or other professionals engaged by Congress through contracts or otherwise

xiv. And, to do all that appertains to the calling into the Ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as well as doing all such other things incidental hereof, and therefore which are conducive to the above-stated objects, provided that such other activities shall be following the teachings of the Word of God which is the Holy Bible.

KNCPC Organogram

The Congress intends to have a well-defined management and governance structure that promotes sound stewardship and accountability with separation of financial management and shepherding.

The levels of governance structure proposed are as follows:

  • Annual Delegate Conference (ADC) is the supreme governing organ of Congress. It is the ultimate decision making body within the organization to be attended by 3 delegates from all relating Sub-Counties.

  • National Executive Board (NEB) which gives a general oversight to KNCPC membership

  • Board of Trustees which holds custody of physical properties of the Congress.

  • National Advisory Board

  • National Board of Directors

  • Congress Strategic Committee which provide oversight of the Strategic management.

  • Congress Secretariat headed by a Chief Executive Officer

  • 10 Regional Boards

  • 47 County Boards

  • 290 Sub County Boards

  • Locational Committees

  • Sub locational committees

  • Member churches and affiliates

Our Executive Team

Our strength lies in our collective leadership team. Set up by the Congress governance structure, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields.

Rev. Bishop Stanley Michuki, President

Rev. Bishop Robert Mutemi Mutua, Deputy President

Rev. Dr Enid Wekesa, Treasurer

Pastor Rose Muriungi, Chief Executive Officer

Bishop Joseph Moilo, PhD. Secretary General